​~ Are You the Descendant Of A Confederate Veteran? ~
Were your ancestors living in the United States of America before 1850? Were one or more of your ancestors born in the United States between 1830 and 1845? If so, it is highly likely that you are the descendant of a Confederate Soldier, Sailor or Marine.
Keep in mind that over 150 years separates the end of the War of 1861-1865 and YOU! It is highly likely that many Americans today have ancestors that fought on both sides of the war.
It must be noted that our organization is dedicated to the preservation of the fact-based MILITARY history of the War of 1861-1865 ~ not in the economic, social or political aspects of life and government that existed during this period of time. There are organizations that are dedicated to the preservation of non-military aspects of life and government as it existed between 1860 and 1865.
Membership in the Sons of Confederate Veterans is open to all male descendants of any veteran who served honorably in the Confederate armed forces. Membership can be obtained through either lineal or collateral family lines and kinship to a veteran must be documented genealogically. The minimum age for full membership is 12, but there is no minimum for Cadet membership.
We suggest that once you've decided to pursue membership in the Sons of Confederate Veterans, among your first steps is contacting our Camp's Genealogist to assist in your efforts.
​Genealogy Officer
To learn specific information regarding membership in the Sons of Confederate Veterans, the following link to our National Headquarters is provided:
Headquarters Sons of Confederate Veterans